Shining Star: Kathryn Aulicino

Our April Shining Star is Kathryn Aulicino — Orion’s Director, National Media Activation. Katy explains why she loves to drive SUVs, despite being petite in stature. Plus, the unlikely childhood meeting she had with a music superstar.

Where are you from?
I was born on Staten Island but grew up in Middletown, New Jersey.

What company did you last work for?
Out of college, I briefly worked in sales at a start-up tech company making cold calls — and quickly realized that wasn’t for me. Luckily, I found Orion soon after, and last month I celebrated my seventh anniversary!

Where’d you go to school?
I graduated from the University of Delaware in 2013 with a double major in communications and psychology and a minor in advertising. Go Blue Hens!

What was the first car you drove?
Despite being 4 feet 11 inches tall, I learned to drive on a Ford Explorer — and can’t imagine driving anything smaller since!

Your hobbies?
I am a huge bookworm (especially in the mystery and thriller genres), a loyal Bravo fan, and since I recently purchased my first home this past summer, I have become an avid DIYer and painter!

What’s your favorite movie?
A bit cliché, but any of the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies (although, we all know the books are better.)

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I have always wanted to go to Australia but am also terrified of some of the wildlife and insects out there, particularly the giant spiders.

Something interesting others may not know about you.
When I was seven years old, my brother and I had a teacup ride with Bruce Springsteen and his kids at a local fair. I was too young to know who he was, but my parents were freaking out! They will never forgive themselves for not having a camera handy at the time.​