5 Questions with Dan Fox

In this month’s “5 Questions With”, we chat with Dan Fox, our Chief Financial and Commercial Officer. Dan shares why people from myriad industries and diverse backgrounds thrive in the advertising and media industry. Plus, the best career advice he says he’s ever gotten.

How do you describe your role, and the industry, to people who aren’t in the business?
I always start with the industry when explaining what I do. Advertising and media are well-known, so that’s normally straightforward. Trying to explain what I do at Orion then starts to get more interesting but keeping it simple normally helps.

Currently, I’m the Global Chief Financial and Commercial Officer, which means that I make sure that financially we are strong and so are our offerings. Most recently, my role covered the APAC region. I worked with the local market teams to develop our business; the main objective is to create value with media partners that can be used to solve client problems.

We can provide upfront investment to media partners; we use this to give access to capital or fund products or services they need in their business. We then receive a discount on future media that provides the ability to provide client savings. We give clients the ability to take advantage of this media space and acquire at a discount or part-fund using an asset they own.

Some understand; some pretend to understand. But normally the feedback is “That sounds interesting,” which as we all know it is!

What’s the best way for recent graduates, and those looking to switch careers, to break into advertising and media?
I think for those starting their career and looking to see what the industry has to offer an internship is a great way to get some exposure and decide which path is for them. Our industry is so varied, and I think what’s great is there is no right way to build a career in advertising and media. If you look at the leaders in our industry, they all have different stories. Some are veterans of the industry; some come from the finance industry; others are consultants or have tech backgrounds. Not only do we get to work in our industry, but we understand in detail the industry our clients operate in. For that reason, I would say there is always an opportunity to switch to this industry.

What do you feel is the biggest opportunity for growth at Orion?
Over the last couple of years, we have focused on building a strong foundation for our product, working mainly in the traditional space. This has strengthened the reputation of Orion with clients and agency partners.

I also wanted to ensure we had the product established in the markets where clients want to operate. For example, we’ve expanded to eight markets in the APAC region, giving us a truly regional business. The next phase of growth for Orion will come from our new capabilities. Digital is huge and continuing to expand. OPEN is the natural opportunity for us to grow. I also see opportunities to expand our offer in key markets like China, Australia, and India as more clients want to access the value we can create.

How would you describe your leadership style?
I adopt a very open style of leadership. I want my teams to be able to come to me with any idea — and for them know I will work through with them to find a solution.

What’s the best career advice that you’ve ever gotten?
There are a few but one that really stuck with me was from a former London colleague, who was successful and had lived all over the world. The advice was: It’s better to do something and regret it than to regret not doing it.