5 Questions with Howard Norton

This month, we’re sharing 5 Questions with Howard Norton, Orion’s Managing Director, EMEA. Howard spells out the differences between the UK and other markets. He also shares the best ways to disconnect and relax — and what he’s the most excited to do after a year in quarantine.

What’s the most exciting aspect about your role as Managing Director, EMEA?
The thing I enjoy the most about the role is the variety that it brings. We’re now in 13 markets across the region; we have different products and are at different stages in each market, which makes for an interesting role. Getting to know a wide range of people from different countries is something I really enjoy – both the local Orion teams across the region and the Mediabrands leadership in each market. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, we’ll connect in person rather than on Teams.

What do you feel is the biggest opportunity for growth in EMEA?
Well in recent years we’ve expanded significantly in Europe by growing the number of clients and the vendors that we have partnerships with for each market. Last year we launched OPEN, our addressable product in partnership with Matterkind, which is set to scale further here in 2021. We’ve also had a lot of success launching in new markets; in 2020, we launched in Poland and this year, we’ve already re-launched in Ireland and the Nordics. We’re exploring the potential of adding South Africa down the line.

How is the UK different from, and like, other markets in EMEA?
It’s different than a lot of markets in the region, but the similarities in how we deliver value for our clients remain the same. Fifteen years ago, the UK was the first Orion market to launch in Europe — and is our biggest market in the region. We have the largest team here — and the regional team is also based here — so it’s the home of the region in a lot of ways.

We’ve also got the widest range of products available in the UK, plus the largest list of vendor partners, and most of our regional clients tend to be here as well. The UK team is happy to help other markets in the region that may encounter challenges that we’ve already experienced.

What’s your best tip for maximizing time?
I think I’m much better at advising on this than following my own advice!

Time is something that I have struggled with over the last year or so, but I’m getting better in 2021. I think the best tip I can give is to be selfish. If a suggested time for a meeting doesn’t work for you, and it’s not urgent, then say so. Also, monitor your diary in advance to see when things are getting out of hand with meetings and do something about it in advance. The odd day or week of back-to-back meetings is one thing, but when it becomes the norm, it will eventually become an issue. Don’t be afraid to go to meetings, and if possible, aim to finish them in 10 to 15 minutes if they’re in the diary for 25 minutes. The chances are the other people in the meeting will be happy to oblige.

How do you disconnect and relax?
Most of my time outside work is spent with my family: my wife, Mel, and two kids Eva (who is 10) and Jack (who is eight) — both help me be a kid again, which I really enjoy! Also, I’m a huge sports fan. I will watch pretty much any sport, but especially football (soccer), cricket (the one you can play for five days and still have a draw), and golf.

In terms of playing sports, I’m most disconnected (although not always relaxed) with friends on the golf course. I also run, which I think is the best way to disconnect, so try to do this as much as possible. I’ve run the London Marathon, twice, and although my legs disagree, I want to do this again at some point.

In the UK, restaurants and pubs have (finally) reopened for outside bookings after being shut since last year; so over the next few weeks, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with friends and family who I haven’t seen for ages. The weather here means this tends to be groups of people at tables wearing full ski gear. So it’s a bit strange, but it still feels like progress — so we’re all very excited by it!